Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10 points to the person who can tell me the right word?

when you mis up the letters in the word Mother- In -Law they make a word that can describe a Mother-In-Law. What is the word?
Woman Hitler.
woah I dont know dude
Woman Hitler
woman hitler!
i know this one and they got the movie out monster in law with jlo i like that movie thats one of my favorite
brain..broken, *drools*
I don't get it. But I'm just trying.
WOMAN HITLER...yeh i spent 10 min lookin through my emails cause i just got one that had that and somebody already said it...i'm never gettin that time back...lol
Woman Hitler!
woman hitler
almoner whit
almoner with
amin whortle
antre whilom
armhole twin
aroint whelm
awhirl monte
awl thermion
eloin warmth
enorm withal
etamin whorl
harm towline
harmin owlet
harmin towel
holm tawnier
holm tinware
holt wireman
horntail mew
hotline warm
how terminal
how tramline
howl minaret
howl raiment
howler matin
howlet inarm
hwan motlier
inarm howlet
inmate whorl
inthral meow
lathier mown
latrine whom
law thermion
lawn mothier
lemon wraith
linter whamo
lither woman
loam writhen
lomein thraw
lomein wrath
lomenta whir
loth wireman
maile thrown
main whortle
maline rowth
maline throw
maline whort
maline worth
maline wroth
manhole writ
martin whole
matin howler
matron while
melon wraith
menial rowth
menial throw
menial whort
menial worth
menial wroth
menorah wilt
menthol wair
meow inthral
mew horntail
mina whortle
minaret howl
minor wealth
minot whaler
mola writhen
molar whiten
moline thraw
moline wrath
monel wraith
monte awhirl
month wailer
moral whiten
mortal whine
mothier lawn
motlier hwan
mown lathier
neath wormil
neolith warm
normal white
normal withe
oilman threw
oilmen thraw
oilmen wrath
olein warmth
omenta whirl
omental whir
owlet harmin
raiment howl
ration whelm
ratline whom
reliant whom
retinal whom
retinol wham
rowth maline
rowth menial
tamein whorl
tawnier holm
telamon whir
terminal how
terminal who
thane wormil
thermal wino
thermion awl
thermion law
thraw lomein
thraw moline
thraw oilmen
threw oilman
throw maline
throw menial
thrown maile
tinware holm
towel harmin
towline harm
tramline how
tramline who
trenail whom
twin armhole
wailer month
wair menthol
warm hotline
warm neolith
warmth eloin
warmth olein
wealth minor
whaler minot
wham retinol
whamo linter
whelm aroint
whelm ration
while matron
whilom antre
whine mortal
whir lomenta
whir omental
whir telamon
whirl omenta
whit almoner
white normal
whiten molar
whiten moral
who terminal
who tramline
whole martin
whom latrine
whom ratline
whom reliant
whom retinal
whom trenail
whorl etamin
whorl inmate
whorl tamein
whort maline
whort menial
whortle amin
whortle main
whortle mina
wilt menorah
wino thermal
wireman holt
wireman loth
with almoner
withal enorm
withe normal
woman lither
wormil neath
wormil thane
worth maline
worth menial
wraith lemon
wraith melon
wraith monel
wrath lomein
wrath moline
wrath oilmen
writ manhole
writhen loam
writhen mola
wroth maline
wroth menial

I hope the one you are looking for is amongst these:-))
the best i can come up with is...hitlerwoman.
pls give a clue. what letter does the word start?

I thought only ONE word. woman hitler is two words.
Woman Hitler... showed that one to my grandma years ago.
the word from mother in law would be for the first word
take the w from law the o from mother the m from mother and the a from law and then the n from in making the word woman the reamining letters will be t h i l e r which when unscrabled will be hitler
thus the anser u r looking for is WOMAN HITLER
u can also add a few letters and say HITLER IS A WOMAN

1/2 million protestors in California for the immigration laws, whats your view?

I oppose amnesty for illegals, no matter what! I am in favor of those who enter through legal means. I would like to know how many of the 500,000 protesters, were legal US citizens? I'm sure most were not. I do not feel it is fair to those who came here through legal means, nor do I feel it is the responsibility of those of us who regularly pay taxes to pay for health care, education, and welfare of those who sneak into this country. Not to mention the cost to the communities for law enforcement.
I think anyone who harbors an illegal should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminals. If the Church harbors illegals, it should not only loose tax free status, but the priest or minister should also be brought to justice. Same thing for employers-if you pander to illegals you should be arrested.
And for those who claim illegals work jobs that Americans won't, I say if all employers paid a decent wage, there are plenty of Americans willing to work. Secondly, if there is such a shortage of workers, let's put the people on welfare to work, and get them off the welfare lines.
Unless you are an American Indian, we are all immigrants, or of immigrant heritage. The issue today is not with immigrants, but with those who have not followed the law to come to the US. They will state, we are good law abiding people who just want a shot at the American dream. The fact is they have ILLEGALY entered this country. The are NOT law abiding people. If they ignore immigration laws, what else will they ignore?

No, I am not against immigrants, just those who illegally enter this country and then DEMAND they be given the same rights as a legal citizen.
Stop calling them "illegal immigrants."

They are human beings, just like you and me, trying to find a better life. For the vast majority of us, the fact that we live in the U.S. is pure, dumb luck: We had the right parents. Imagine having been born in China or Cuba or Korea; wouldn't you risk life and limb to come to the United States, especially if you had children?

We should figure out a way to WELCOME them and make their lives and our country better and stronger.

This anti-immigrant crap is just xenophobic BS.
My ancestors paid to board a boat, immigrate LEGALLY, sign in with the immigration authorities, pay the fees necessary, learned the language and culture, set up roots and any money earned here STAYED here. Or some marry a citizen. If someone comes to this country ANY OTHER WAY they need to get the hell out.
Tater Salad is right...they should come to America the legal way.

I live in New Mexico...and the border isn't too far from here. Every single summer, on the news, there's always another story about a group of Mexicans found dead from heat exaustion while trying to make it over here. The immigration laws need to be stronger.

To Kyle M...unfortuantly, children are included in the victims of heat exaustion. I don't know about you, but I would never put my children in harms way like that...I'd do it the legal way.
How many of you that do not want illegals want to pick tomatoes for a living. I bet none. I don't like Bush and feel he will screw it up along with the American people but his idea of guest workers is a good idea on paper.
I think INS should have had a couple dozen buses at the rally to pick up the illegals and send them back to Mexico.
its absurd and laughable to think we can live in america without migrant workers. they are the backbone of our food industry. Most american born citizens wont even touch have the jobs migrant workers do. as what "TATER SALAD" said, i am very impressed that you father's fathers came here and went through every single piece of red tape there was back then, which was very little. its 100 years later and a new america, quit whipping out 100 year old arguements, its tacky.

migrant workers are here to stay, whether you want it or not. our food economy would fall apart at the seams if we didnt have them. send them all back? i hope you like paying 12 dollars for a lb of oranges
I don't know anyone that wants to stop immigration...they simply want people to come her legally as opposed to sneaking in. This is a national security issue, not some racist xenophobic conspiracy as some might suggest.
They do NOT all come here to work. Did you know that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens?

I'd much rather the government subsidize vegetable farms so that they can pay workers (LEGAL workers) a living wage rather than covering all the health care, prison, and all the other costs associated with illegals!

Of course, I'm not holding my breath. The republican party couldn't organize a barbecue, much less do something about illegal immigration.

1. how does the concept of justice affect the law in the united states?

As an interested observer (law student) I'd have to say: Not much, except by accident.

Most public laws are about setting community standards and enforcing particular points of view. Occasionally, those laws are based on an enlightened objective sense of what is best for everyone, to ensure which is fairness and equality. That is one definition of justice.

However, more often than not, laws are made because a majority of people believe one way and seek to force everyone else to adhere to their beliefs. This is the classic "Might Makes Right" approach of a partisan democracy. In other words, whoever is in the majority gets to make the rules, regardless of what the minority thinks.

If you happen to be in the majority on any given issue, then the ruling may look like justice to you. But if you are not, then being forced to do something that you don't approve just because you are in the minority doesn't sound like justice to me.

Couple of examples:

Is it justice to be able to hold people indefinitely, without access to an attorney, without charges, and without a trial -- just becomes one official designates that person as a threat? Apparently, it is legal (see Jose Padilla, Gito, etc.) But I don't think it is just.

Or take the recent law sponsored by Senator McCain which outlaws torture. 89 (of 100) Senators voted in favor of that law. To me, prohibiting torture is a good step towards justice. But 10 Senators voted AGAINST that law, saying that torture is OK in some situations. How is that just?

~*Do You Think The Anti-Immigrant Laws R Fair?*~?

im mexican and in my opinion I think it is wrong because to make every immigrant leave this country wether they r black,chinease or hispanic and if we leave this country will go down the drain because we maitain the economy and we work hard 2 make this country look good
Hells no!i agree on what u r saying!!
F*** no :(
Fair no. Life is not fair but the country would not "go down the drain."
So you should get to stay because there are so many of you that our laws are not important?

If that is the way things go; then what laws can we expect you to ignore next? Maybe the one that says you must pay taxes or how about the one's that say you can't hurt others?
There is no "anti-immigrant" law that will "make every immigrant leave this county." And no one is trying to make a law like that.

Whoever is telling you this is the case is mistaken. Congress IS talking about making new laws about immigration, but NOT laws that are "anti-immigrant". They are trying to find a way to solve the problem of ILLEGAL immigration. Immigrants who come here legally are still very welcome!!
illegals hurt the economy, they broke the law when coming here and should be deported.
if you are here illegaly then your are a criminal and should be deported
Only those targeting ILLEGAL ALIENS that are violating the law by having fraudulent documents, by overstaying a visa, or crossing a border without the proper documents
no way!

?what is the law regarding pointing and presenting a firearm?

If you fear for your life or your family's..nothing will happen. You have a right to defend yourself. But be smart.

If you cant prove fear of life then brandishing a firearm is one of several things you may be charged with if you point a firearm. There are other charges you'll be slapped with also.
I suggest ANYONE who has or is thinking of obtaining a firearm read this book..it only costs a couple buck and is a real eye opener. Very plain language without all that "legalese". This one is a california edition, laws in your state may vary.
I don't know about state laws but the fed says that pointing a gun is the same as firing a gun while aiming it at someone, ie 7 years if it is done in the commission of a crime.
Wow, you can get in real trouble. being from a state that allows you to carry and bare arms it is made absolutely clear that when you pull that fire arm out you best be ready to go to jail. For if you use it in self defense or to stop someone from harming another, you will be charged with threatening or murder, depending which you do. However, you will eventually be cleared.

You must warn the person or person before you draw your weapon that you are about to do so. Do it loudly and often and quick and then take action. Never draw unless you intend to take action, or you may wind up dead.
Pointing and presenting a firearm is a text book definition of the common law crime of assault. Every state has adopted this common law crime in their penal code, although it may be called by different names - aggravated assault, offer-type assault, etc. Bottom line its a crime in every jurisdiction a significant jail time (5years) is a possibility.

?What do you think about this new law about immigration they want to pass/?

Imagine this: All of them gone, who will do the things they did for next to no pay. Our minimum wages are alot compared to what they earn in their home country. The economy would suffer. Less people to buy and pay taxes on their purchases. They buy and take back with them to their loved ones.
Now envision this:
A program where they pay the government for permission to work and earn wages legally. Instead of paying it to coyotes who leave them to die in the desserts. We would know where they are, they would pay income tax just like the rest of us, instead of keeping a little to live off of and sending a great majority to their homeland. They would be allowed to stay for a certain amount of time with the condition they pay income tax then they must return to their homeland and make space for other immigrants to do the same with the same conditions. They would have a waiting period before they could do it again.
Right now the only taxes that are collected is in what ever they purchase.

Think about it......
Its great. Least they are doing something.
There are jobs in the US that a lot of Americans would not do. I feel that the people coming here deserve a chance just like anybody else. Most of them are hard working. Americans have become lazy and just do what they can to get by when it comes to working, so they have etched themselves out of jobs.
It is certainly better than pretending there is no problem at all. People need to realized that immigration is an issue instead of hiding underneath a barrel. The only people who do not want tougher immigration laws are those that are benefiting from weak or no immigration law Whatsoever. America is a nation based on laws so I am thinking at this point that if America wants to continue being great it needs to toughen up on it's immigration policies or become a third world nation itself.
Will appreciate some one here give us a link on the new Immigration Law .. thanks in advance
At least this will shut the racists up. Building a fence is such a joke,they will find a way to scale it.This country is becoming so Neo-Nazi.I guess now we'll see all the American people fighting over all those dishwasher and landscaping jobs now.
Dear Curious Me:

Imagine this: We already have a system exactly as you described. It's called...hold on to your seat...


think about it...

Dear Chulapanama: You are so shortsighted...you really believe everything you hear, don't you? THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE! My father was put out of business by them!! He was a private contractor/painter. They charge so little for their spray paint jobs on people's homes, and they are able to do that because they have no liscence to do contractor work and no insurance and pay no business or income taxes...their costs are lower because of these things. And do any of you know any high school students who would like a weekend/evening job but can't get one at McDonald's, etc? I do! And many other places that would have hired them in the past just don't, because they can hire undocumented ILLEGAL workers. And let's not forget that they don't come here alone...or if they do, they soon send for their family...wife and 4 or 5 or 6 kids...or maybe they just bring 2 and have the other 3 or 4 here on TAXPAYER MONEY!! And then we have to provide healthcare and education to them!!

Dear ryacosta89 (below): You should think before you write something that dumb. Do you think that McDonald's and other companies which hire illegal workers are really paying them what they are owed? Do they pay them minimum wage? Do they get payed for every hour worked? Do you think they don't treat them like slaves? If this is what you think, you are clearly very naive, dreaming, or both. Educate yourself!
The U.S. has other things to worry about than to block off immigrants ad build a multimillion dollar fence. Like the budget (which Congress made it legal to accumulate 9 tril in debt) the war, the continously rotting educational system and the crippled standards. Just the other day i took the high school exit exam and 90% of the questions where basic mathimatics... as in 7th grade math. Even the teachers said it was 7th grade math. I have the official California exit exam study guide if you want to look at it.

And for the person above who said this
"And do any of you know any high school students who would like a weekend/evening job but can't get one at McDonald's, etc? I do!"

By law everyone has to recieve at leat minimum wage (7.50 in CA). So both you and the immigrant would get paid the same. And I think they would higher someone who has proficient english than the guy who can bearly speak it. And McDonalds isn't stupid enough to get into legal trouble when the police find out they are highernig illegal immigrants. They would get into so much trouble. Think before you say things.

(law) what is required in a SWORN VERIFICATION...when used in the answering of interrogatories???

after I sent in my interrogatories the law firm said it didn't include a sworn verification. what is it a sworn verification and how do I do it properly.
A sworn verification is a legal form that states that you are the Plaintiff/Defendant, that you have read the answers to Interrogatories and that they are true and correct. You sign that and it is notarized and then attached to your answers to interrogatories. They do that so that if and when your case goes to trial, and you change your answer on the witness stand, they can try to prove that you are lying.
I would think that it is a testimony that your interrogatories are correct. You should just call your law firm to be sure exactly what to do, and how to do it. Thats what you're paying them for.
Its the statement where you swear before a notary public that your responses to same are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Your attorney should have already had this prepared for you.


Best bet is have your attorney look into this matter. It is standard practice in the law firm that I work for that Answers to Interrogatories be notarized.
knjordan33 is correct. However, interrogatory responses are rarely, if ever, notarized. A sworn statement signed by you under penalty of perjury is sufficient.
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