Tuesday, May 25, 2010

?What do you think about this new law about immigration they want to pass/?

Imagine this: All of them gone, who will do the things they did for next to no pay. Our minimum wages are alot compared to what they earn in their home country. The economy would suffer. Less people to buy and pay taxes on their purchases. They buy and take back with them to their loved ones.
Now envision this:
A program where they pay the government for permission to work and earn wages legally. Instead of paying it to coyotes who leave them to die in the desserts. We would know where they are, they would pay income tax just like the rest of us, instead of keeping a little to live off of and sending a great majority to their homeland. They would be allowed to stay for a certain amount of time with the condition they pay income tax then they must return to their homeland and make space for other immigrants to do the same with the same conditions. They would have a waiting period before they could do it again.
Right now the only taxes that are collected is in what ever they purchase.

Think about it......
Its great. Least they are doing something.
There are jobs in the US that a lot of Americans would not do. I feel that the people coming here deserve a chance just like anybody else. Most of them are hard working. Americans have become lazy and just do what they can to get by when it comes to working, so they have etched themselves out of jobs.
It is certainly better than pretending there is no problem at all. People need to realized that immigration is an issue instead of hiding underneath a barrel. The only people who do not want tougher immigration laws are those that are benefiting from weak or no immigration law Whatsoever. America is a nation based on laws so I am thinking at this point that if America wants to continue being great it needs to toughen up on it's immigration policies or become a third world nation itself.
Will appreciate some one here give us a link on the new Immigration Law .. thanks in advance
At least this will shut the racists up. Building a fence is such a joke,they will find a way to scale it.This country is becoming so Neo-Nazi.I guess now we'll see all the American people fighting over all those dishwasher and landscaping jobs now.
Dear Curious Me:

Imagine this: We already have a system exactly as you described. It's called...hold on to your seat...


think about it...

Dear Chulapanama: You are so shortsighted...you really believe everything you hear, don't you? THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE! My father was put out of business by them!! He was a private contractor/painter. They charge so little for their spray paint jobs on people's homes, and they are able to do that because they have no liscence to do contractor work and no insurance and pay no business or income taxes...their costs are lower because of these things. And do any of you know any high school students who would like a weekend/evening job but can't get one at McDonald's, etc? I do! And many other places that would have hired them in the past just don't, because they can hire undocumented ILLEGAL workers. And let's not forget that they don't come here alone...or if they do, they soon send for their family...wife and 4 or 5 or 6 kids...or maybe they just bring 2 and have the other 3 or 4 here on TAXPAYER MONEY!! And then we have to provide healthcare and education to them!!

Dear ryacosta89 (below): You should think before you write something that dumb. Do you think that McDonald's and other companies which hire illegal workers are really paying them what they are owed? Do they pay them minimum wage? Do they get payed for every hour worked? Do you think they don't treat them like slaves? If this is what you think, you are clearly very naive, dreaming, or both. Educate yourself!
The U.S. has other things to worry about than to block off immigrants ad build a multimillion dollar fence. Like the budget (which Congress made it legal to accumulate 9 tril in debt) the war, the continously rotting educational system and the crippled standards. Just the other day i took the high school exit exam and 90% of the questions where basic mathimatics... as in 7th grade math. Even the teachers said it was 7th grade math. I have the official California exit exam study guide if you want to look at it.

And for the person above who said this
"And do any of you know any high school students who would like a weekend/evening job but can't get one at McDonald's, etc? I do!"

By law everyone has to recieve at leat minimum wage (7.50 in CA). So both you and the immigrant would get paid the same. And I think they would higher someone who has proficient english than the guy who can bearly speak it. And McDonalds isn't stupid enough to get into legal trouble when the police find out they are highernig illegal immigrants. They would get into so much trouble. Think before you say things.

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