Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your association?

a member of the public joins your freely open association or society, shortly there after this same person commits some terrible crime. this person is also a member of several other associations / societies and has expressly gone against every part of your rules, regulations.
does your association and its law abiding members owe an apology to the victim.
not unless the association sanctioned the actions or ordered those actions.
The association does not need to apologize on behalf of the individual.

However, it would be a good idea to send a statment saying that you are sorry for the victims loss (or injury) and that the beliefs of the criminal have nothing to do with your association.
Of course not (though it may depend on the situation). The organization should, however, publicly denounce his membership, having broken your membership guidelines.
There is nothing wrong with expressing your regret over the crime to the victim/victims family, that is a humane thing to do.
You do not need to apologise as a society, but you should deprecate the crime and place a clear distance between yourselves and the member that so betrayed you - not only for the sake of the victim, but also to restate publicly what you are really all about.
Cheers, Steve.

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