Saturday, October 24, 2009

Would it be a good or bad thing if marijuana was leagalized?

tell me what you think. would it be good or bad?
There are many people and arguments on both side of the issue. However, I would be in favor of the legalization of all drugs. The reason for this is right now we are giving a false statement to the world. These drugs are bad, and these drugs, the ones produced by our pharmaceutical industry, Alcohol industry and cigarette industry are good. The ones that don't have Merck, Pfizer, or Jack Daniels on them have to be bad, because the government says so. At least that seems to be the general Federal position. As with all things making something that had been illegal, legal will create a certain amount of initial havoc. However, time will heal that problem, and I believe that there will be less problems overall. It would reduce the workload on our public authorities so they could go out and arrest real criminals. We would find that the crime rate would drop dramatically, because people aren't killing each other over street corners they control for their drug sales. The power of the gangs would be diminished because people could go and get what they need, or want elsewhere and not be dependent on them for a fix.
It would be a good thing for those that can handle reality. Most of us don't need artifical means to get through life.
You probably smoke grass, since you want it legalized. Legalizing it would allow more traffic deaths due to inebriation.
It doesn't matter one way or another to me. I honestly don't see what the big deal is about it. I've never heard of anyone dying from marijuana.

I kind of do see the point about it being a gateway drug though, but not in the way they say it will be. The people who only sell pot will have to find another market because it will now be legal. And what will they sell? Obviously not flowers or ice cream. They'd probably turn to the other, dangerous drugs.
It would be good because it is just not a real threat to society. Meth, coke, heroin, crack, etc. are all truly dangerous drugs that kill; no one has ever died of a marijuana overdose. The idea it is a gateway drug is also completely ridiculous.

Law enforcement has much better priorities than chasing around pot heads. We need prison space for real offenders, not for people who are waxing nostalgic for potato chips.

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