Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wouldn't it be better if immigrants were forced to abandon the previous culture and adapt to American values ?

As long as the Irish, Scottish, Italians, Jewish, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Welsh, German and all other nationalities started first.

What a wonderful world that would be...

PS And home grown American's BY FAR commit more crimes than any other immigrant group combined.
I'm going to take that a step further. I think the United States should stop taking as many immigrants as we do currently. We're going to have a big mess on our hands soon. Note, that crime keeps going up every year.

But to answer your question, who decideds the American culture? We the people which is made up of almost every ethnic group.
Who is going to be the culture police? Germany tried to do that and they were called the Gestapo.
Thats the way it was for decades. The immigrants would even have their names changed to sound more American and would try to fit in and acclimate to America.

Nowadays if you suggest they try to acclimate you get called a racist. That is what is bringing down the country . NO AMERICAN PATRIOTISM!!!
That would certainly be the hope of all xenophobes and capitalists. Assimulate and worship our dollar! What a sad place the world would be if that were to big cultire of greed.
I don't think it's right to force anyone to adopt someone else's values.
If the United States would follow some of the other countries in what they do with immigrants maybe things would be better. For instance in Costa Rica you ahve 2 years to learn to read, write and speak the language or you are asked to leave the country.
Values such as what? Stealing from shareholders? Materialism and wealth over family and education? Cheating in order to win? Lying? I don't know if you've been living under a rock, buddy, but American values nowadays aren't something that I think I want the world to adopt.

You can't even get Americans to adapt to "American values", and you're worried about immigrants?
No one should be forced to accept other's values. It's a birth right.
Absolutely! Right now in Minnesota the muslims that wrok @ Target are refusing to check out people buying pork products because pork is against their religion. Also cabbies who are Muslim refuse to drive anyone who has alcohol with them for the same reason. I'm not a bigot but if they want things run like it was in their country...why not go back instead of try to for the rest of us to change to your ways???
no then you wouldnt have something to talk to your different friends about

and what are american values? it would be hard to make others "american" when we dont know that is.
even america has different ideas and such
To a degree yes. Not every aspect of every other culture fits in here. We don't stone women for committing adultry or chop their arm off if they steal. Molesting children isn't considered "normal" here. We don't advocate beating your wife or having your wife be expected to mate with all the males in your family. We don't eat cats and dogs or rats or giant spiders. We don't burn our dead, crush their bones and mix it with water and drink it so their soul lives on.

Yet there are aspects of a culture that are interesting...fung shui, clothing styles and furniture styles, some foods, music, little traditions like hanging a pickle in your christmas tree, art, dance etc.

All I know is we accept and tolerate alot more than alot of cultures so if they don't like it here....the door swings out too. Go elsewhere for your utopia.
Culture and values are not something that we should be forcing on others. American citizens don't even agree on the culture and values. I enjoy the cultures of others, and it would be a shame to have everybody the same.

I would like everybody to speak English however. While we can't force this, we can stop paying for multi lingual documents, education...etc.etc.
As an American who is a member of a recognized Native American Indian tribe, and whose European ancestors from England, Ireland, and Scotland intermarried with Native Americans, I cannot agree that it would be "better" if immigrants were forced to "abandon" their culture; but, requiring immigrants to the U.S. to become American citizens is not asking them to forget their culture; only to become citizens accountable to the laws of the United States.

Learning the language of the country you live in: reading, writing, speaking, can only aide an immigrant's acceptance into a country. Reluctance to do so, initiates fear and suspicion.

My Native American ancestors were forcefully subjected to the "American" way. My great grandparents were taken from their families and placed in schools devoted to subjecting their students to the "American" way. Indian reservations were established to keep the "savages" away from the rest of society, supposedly under the protection of the U.S. Government because they were unable to take care of themselves!

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a member of a Native American Indian tribe. My parents taught me the value of being both. A person doesn't have to abandon their racial culture to be called an "American"; but, it is necessary for everyone living in America to support the concept of a United States in order for us to survive as the United States of America.

Unfortunately, America is losing any values that have been associated with our country. As a retired, and now substitute teacher, I see this denigration of values among our present-day students and parents.

The public school system is expected to educate students who are disrepectful of their teachers, and parents who stand behind their child's disrepect. Parents are so busy with their own lives they don't know what is going on in their child's life. The schools are held accountable for their child's behavior.

America no longer stands for any values.

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