Saturday, October 31, 2009

Would you consider this as being in comtempt of court?

if someone was divorced and it was written in the divorce decree that they were not to leave state with the children without filing with the clerk and the petitioner, and they have filed with the clerk but there is nothing on file with the other spouses signature wich is the petitioner. are they in contempt of court?
If the court granted it, then it is not contempt... the only way they would have granted it without the original petitioner's agreement would be if said original petitioner no longer had claim (ie: had broken a child support order, for instance.)
Umm I think they should be in jail too.. But that is just me on this one.. She did not have him file the papers and took off with the kids..
It depends the other party has 200 days to file a motion against it. If they don't file then there is nothing they can do if not contested in 20 days. When they filed with the court they need to state why the move and how it is in the best intrest of the kids.(according to oregon laws it could differ in other state, but not by much. the parenting plan is still good in any state because it is the originial. all states have to go by that order.)
Contempt = disgraceful among other synonyms.

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