Saturday, October 24, 2009

Would this be considered Discimination against students?

There are 2 mentaly challanged children in my class. One has been in the school since kindergarden and the other is new. In my class there is also a new student who is from Korea. My teachor likes to pick on the student from Korea and the new child. She constantly screams at one (the mentaly challanged child) and she babys the other one. I think that it is because the child from Korea does not have parents in the states, but gaurdiens and the new mently challanged child's parents are not all that focaused. I and many other children in my class think that she is being crule to them, often yelling at them and picking on them. The korean girl barly knows english and she picks on her and the boy. When my class had to do a presentation for the stations of the cross (I go to a catholic school) she had the Korean girl hold pictures and the mentaly challanged boy acalite. I want to know if this is discrimination because I want to stop this because we have this teachor for 2 more years.
i recommend talking to your parents first, then go with them to talk to the principal. it's hard to tell for sure by reading this here whether or not there is actual discrimination going on, but definitely tell your parents about it. i'm sure if you are this worried about it your parents will actually listen to you and not shrug it off, good luck, and way to look out for your other classmates, it doesn't happen too often.
Well one this is positive. You suck at spelling. You need to pay more attention in class to your work and not who or what you think the teacher is picking on.
I would talk to your principle and talk to your parents about it. Your parents will have a much larger impact on the school if they go to the teacher or principle and express their concern.

And leogirl...there's about 2 spelling mistakes in her question. Not something to get all aggressive about.
I counted sixteen mistakes, and that doesn't include punctuation.
Yes, I personally think you have hit the nail on the head. It is tough enough for a child, much less a mentally challenged one and one who speaks little English to start a new school without being picked on by the Teacher (of all people). That is awful and something should be done. What is worse is that, this "so called" Teacher is an adult who should be setting a good example for her pupils (not sinking to the level) and she should be old enough to know better!
I commend you as a student and a great person for being mature enough to spot such a bad thing. DISCRIMINATION! And as for the the hateful comment from the person above about your spelling-sometimes when you're upset, you make more mistakes. I understand and you just pay no attention to that person. Good Luck! I hope something is done about the issue you asked about. Get adults involved if you can.
Doesn't sound like there is a discrimination claim there, but you may be able to report it to the school board and/or principal if you need to get it resolved.

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