Saturday, October 24, 2009

Would u feel like your rights as a individual were taking if ordered to drug test over a dog ticket?

I was arrested at my house for not showing up to court on this paticular monday, I simply made a mistake and thought it was for tuesday they come in ready to taser me at 9:30 at night when I am trying to lay down my dish towel and get my shoes they charge m,e for resisting arrest, and they hold me on 3 thousand sollar cash only warrent for a 3 citations of my dogs running at large when I get to court on thursday they set bail at 1500 dollars and order me to take drug testing 3 times a week. I have nmever been so dumb founded in my kife I refuse to take any tests not that i am hiding something it is the pure fact that i feel that there isa no reasoning behide it allo I feel that i have rights there have been nmo drug related crimes. what do i do to protect myself from such harrasment?
Drug tests for a dog ticket are illegal since the offense committed was not related to drugs. File a motion to contest the court order.
Take responsibility and care for your animals and this wouldn't happen

I think they should give you the chair
Move to a different state...
You are clearly being abused by an over-zealous bureaucracy.
Methinks there be more to this story. . .
Stop breaking the law - control your dogs.

You're in trouble because you're lazy and irresponsible when it comes to your legal obligations. Ignoring the law more will just get you in more trouble.
To protect yourself, you should consider keeping your dogs on leashes to protect innocent children or adults from being hurt. You will probably say...your dogs wouldn't hurt anyone... but do you know this for fact?
You should consider if you gave them any reason to charge you with resisting arrest. You should consider if you gave them reason to cause them to believe you were on drugs.
You appear to be guilty of something by not submitting to the drug testing.
Next time, try to keep up with what day court is and be there on that date and time. And keeping up an appearance that you are a law abiding citizen is a good idea. Abstaining from any appearance of evil is always the best idea.
Really, I wish I could say I don't believe you, but I do believe you.

I KNOW there are SOME sadistic cops on power trips out there. In some smaller jurisdictions, the courts wink at it.

Once you have been targeted, be very careful to over-observe the law.
You should always effect a setoff of their b.s. charges via a counterclaim. They don't have jurisdiction over you unless you give it to them, and everything the police and courts do is to trick you into becoming a surety for their sham charges.

Everything they're doing is commercial and has nothing to do with right %26 wrong. They are simply looking for revenue.
Sure, you have your rights. What about responsibilities?
It is over reaching. Get a lawyer and sue them on the grounds of voilating of self protection per the consitiuation. This is illegal and is pure bull crap.
Her dog was out we need to test her. That is bull crap they can win that period. File a suit against the State and the Judge for your legal fees. Judges can just make up laws.

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