Saturday, October 31, 2009

Would you Rather see Paris Hilton in Jail or Giving a Million Dollars to Charity?

I know, a thousand questions have popped up about this spoiled little brat going to jail?

At fist I wanted her to go to jail for the obvious reason she broke the law and must pay for the sake of our justice system/society

Then I started thinking, wouldn't it be much more benificial to society if instead of going to jail we forced her to pay a HUGE fine to the state of california ( $ 1 000 000 +) and also have a VAST amount of money to a variety of charities (world vision, red cross, unicef, and various local charities)

Do you guys think she should go to jail for 45 days at the taxpayer's expense, or just give a very large amount of money to get out of it?

*I understand that many see this as "buying out of it" but just think about how much good all that money could do in the world, as opposed to her spending 45 days in jail, us all having a good laugh, and then she flips it and gets someone to write a tell-all book about it for even more unearned money.

Thanks in advance!
Well, I'm certain that there is no way they could impose a fine of $1 million. California law has maximum fines that may be imposed based on the offense, so although she has the money and she might agree to it, they just couldn't levy that fine against her.

More importantly, I understand your assertion that this might be a better solution to the problem. I don't think she should go to jail anyway. I honestly think that jail should be reserved for people who really need to be locked up (i.e. extensive criminal history, violent offenders, etc.) not for penny-ante crap like this. I live in Dallas, TX and the jail here is so overcrowded because they lock up everyone. Now they have to start releasing people because they don't have room and they are releasing people that should stay in jail. It's ridiculous.

I say give her the max fine, the max probation, everything else, IF they are just trying to prove a point. For goodness sakes, she's not a criminal, at least in the commonly recognized sense. She's a stupid, spoiled, bratty girl who did idiotic things like young people all over the country.

As for the comment on the tell-all book, you are probably right. Only someone famous would attempt to make tons of money by writing crappy stories.
i would rather see her pretty little butt in jail. remember, 1 mil aint too bad for a billionaire. but jail is just plain EMBARRASSING!
The penalty for Paris must equal the same penalty as everyone else

If Joe Blow doesn't have to pay millions to charity, why should Paris Hilton have to?
she should give all her money to charity then maybe we might like her
Jail time! I would rather to see her in jail. Just to give her new experience and maybe she can make her new video in jail.
charity, she obviously is probably too far gone to know she's even in jail or to understand the severity of her crime
Paris Hilton must be incarcerated in jail if found guilty of the crime she committed. Laws must be applied to people even if the suspect is a celebrity who could give money in exchange for the penalty.
I would rather her go to jail. She may just learn a lesson, and it would scare other celebrities into obeying the law instead of buying their way out.

If we allowed her to buy her way out, it just re-enforces her (and other's) beliefs that the rich can avoid jail time for breaking laws. Imagine if the same thing happened to Bill Gates, he makes 1 million dollars every few minutes in interest on his fortune.

Paying the money isnt a punishment for these types. Its any easy way out. While charities and the state of Cali could use the money, these types need to be punished not given an easy way out.

Do both!
A fine of one million dollars? For the crime she commited? Is that in the law books already?

It sounds as if you are asking us whether or not we should change the law as it already exists and to somehow require that when a wealthy person commits a crime, that person's punishment should be different than everyone else's -- much more expensive. No, I don't feel like making that change in the law.

And Paris Hilton's sentence is not up to you, me, or anyone else here on Yahoo. She will be sentenced by the system according to the already existing law.
Sorry but if we follow your argument then rich people would be above the law - for example if she had killed someone while driving around drunk as a skunk - what would the penalty be then $100 million?? and she goes free.

She committed a crime - she pays the penalty - she has already had her sentence reduced and the "prison" sounds pretty cushy to me.
There is no right answer here. It would be obviously better if she would pay a fine but I have to admit that I and half of the population of the globe probably would rather see her in jail.
Ofcourse this will never happen..she will pay her way out of this...
I would like to see her in jail

law must be above anyone and anything!
and everyone must be equal in front of law!

If she hadn't been famous and rich, she would definitely go to jail!
why not now??
Giving a million dollars to charity.

No one would gain anything out of her going to jail whereas the poor and unfortunate stand to benefit if she donates.
Would you rather see a drunk-driver kill an Innocent family while driving drunk, or see a ''special attention'' rich kid get away with it?
it may end up helping society more if she donated a million, but it would set a terrible precedent i think.

first, rich people already do pretty well in the legal system, we dont need them being able to buy themselves out of trouble.

and also a dui is a serious offense.. sure, it was her first, and she barely blew anything, but it often ends up a lot worse than just a person getting a ticket.

if it were most other kinds of offenses, i would probably completely agree with you
I'd rather see her in another video!
Aparently now that time inside has been halfed by Arnold ! She should be serving the full sentence. A mere Million is nothing to her, and most would be wasted in admin anyway. She should out of the "goodness" of her spoilt brat heart give 1% of what she earns from interests and dividends and endorsements/appearances each year, would be tax deductibe and a decent gesture, still far more than a Million dollars ! This girl with a concience could change the world !
I would like to see both. But i would like to see the charity more. The media puts actors in the spotlights and blow things out of proportion. What ever she did she should not get a reduced sentence, Give her 100%.
I would say the million, with her counting abilities she might even put in a view extra 0's..
Ms. Hilton needs to understand that she broke a law and that Daddy's money can't buy her way out of paying her penalty. The law is quite specific about DUI, and any quantity of money has little meaning to someone who is swimming in it. Incarceration might actually be a deterrent when she learns what it is to lose her freedom. I will not grudge her time off for good behavior, though.

In a related opinion, I thought Martha Stewart should have been given community service, say, cooking for a homeless shelter for 6 months or a year, rather than prison time. Ms. Stewart has actual skills that could have been put to use.
I would like to see her doing both, spending her time in jail and giving out a million to poor and homeless people.
It really SUX that they're already talking about cutting her time in half!
The beatch did the CRIME, make her do the TIME! ! !
I think that she should do BOTH!!! Give money to charity and go to jail.. She needs to sit in jail so she can realize as a person she is no different then anyone else out there. ( cause you know she clearly thinks differently about that) and then she should also give money to charity just because I say so....

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