Saturday, October 31, 2009

Would you defend O J Simpson? How?

why are people still talking about the juice??????????????? he is an irrelevant part of American history. he and the sordid episode that took place roughly 10 years ago is something that we should TRY to forget.

there are more important issues in this world than o.j. Simpson lets move on people.
we went from protecting his rights and hopefully not too much cruel jail time.... to total denial--flat out lying about OJ doing it .....great integrity level lawyers......
blame it on bush..every other liberal extremist does and it seems to work for everything from the weather to bad bedroom performance....why not oj...ive never understood why it works but it does.
No...because he is guilty...I would defend someone who is unjustly accused...If Nicole were accused of killing OJ, I would have to defend her just because it is clear he abused her severely...
Yeah I would. Get what you can while the gettings good, and get away with it. The hell with you losers.
quite similar to what johnny cochran did. first I would inform him that I charge $225 per hour prep and $400 per hour for trial and I require a 2 million dollar retainer. either this case consumes me and i make a lot of money or I get him off quickly and get a ton of referrals and make more money.. either way that is the down side..the upside is i get to uphold the constitution....I have a question for you. do you think OJ lost the civil trial because there was a lower standard of proof or because he couldn't afford a better lawyer?
Do you mean now, in some extra-legal new trial, or back then ?

Well, no matter. The point is that he clearly terminated the existence of two fellow human beings, one the mother of his two beautiful children, the other, effectively, an innocent bystander ( I make no judgement as to whether some intimacy between the pair caused Simpson's anger to overwhelm him ).

No matter what the braggadocios may say, the killing of a fellow human is one of the worst things we can do, and after the event most, except possibly the true pyschopath, will be tormented by the thoughts of what they have done.

One of the best known features of this is the desire to confess, which slowly gnaws away at the mind, and the spirit.

Simpson has made an attempt to confess through this clumsy book and interview, "If I did it". He is clearly looking for some kind of absolution, which is both understandable and logical.

If I were defending him, I would counsel him to own up, explain all the circumstances, and submit himself to the tender mercies of the court. It is the only solution that will allow him some modicum of internal peace.

Of course, in the process, he would grant the same to the families of the victims, not least of which his own children.
Me, no...but his defense team did a good job. They prove the LAPD officers investigating and the Orange County district attorenys were a bunch of idiots.

One good thing came out of showed the need for proper evidence procedures and preservation...had this happened OJ would most likely be facing the death penalty right now.

The innocence Projects arose from the OJ case...see Barry Scheck. Hundreds of wrongfully convicted innocent felons have been released due to the Innocence Projects.

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